Our weekly assembly & shine a light blog! – What a wonderful world! 

We have been so lucky to have had glorious weather during the last few days and long may it continue. This week we celebrate National Gardening Week.

Hopefully, we can look at ways to stay positive, happy, and even spot the next Alan Titchmarsh or Charlie Dimmock!

Many of us will enjoy discovering their green fingers this week and we can all have a go at potting seeds or planting bulbs. The famous saying ‘you reap what you sow’ reminds me of life in general. In isolation many of us can become frustrated and have disagreements within our families.  If you are angry and cross, you sometimes get it back.


Sow some kindness, you will reap it back.

Sow a smile, watch it grow.

Sow some care, you can never give enough…


You reap what you sow. If you work hard, you enjoy a lot of learning, so sow some hard work and reap the endless learning.

We enjoy the beauty of plants and flowers, but we do not see their bulbs or seeds. As people we are all like beautiful flowers. People only see what is on the outside and do not know what is in our hearts and minds. We need healthy hearts and minds on the inside to grow into beautiful people on the outside and do wonderful things.


Mrs Hart’s Top 8 Garden Greats!

Take a look at some of the craft ideas from these magnificent eight websites in today’s ‘Hello Monday assembly’ video. Thank you to you all for your wonderful, creative and inspirational ideas.

darrellwakelam.co.uk – An awesome site! I highly recommend Darrell Wakelam, what an exceptionally talented artist. He makes the most extraordinary models from sticking together bits of paper and cardboard! I spotted a ‘Hungry Caterpillar’ and a ‘Cardboard Flytrap’ in amongst his outstanding collection. These can be made from paper plates, egg boxes and toilet roll tubes. An excellent way to recycle and enjoy at the same time.

www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/gardening_with_children – Scent trails, building a wormery and even keeping a pet dandelion! Lots of fun and interesting learning.

www.thespruce.comEasy activities such as grow your own celery, pot your own garlic and grow ornamental sweet potatoes. There are plenty of mini projects that involve small containers and can be done indoors, well worth a look.

woodlandtrust.org.ukMessy mud kitchens to cook up a classic mud pie and happy nature faces! The ‘nature’ birthday cards are special and can be made and sent with love to people you miss. I loved the idea of the fairy doors. Children can make their own special garden fairy doors from lolly sticks and dot around the garden or house.

kidsgardening.orgOne of the most simple and creative activities that many children will enjoy on this website, soil art! All ages can produce works of wonder. So many simple activities with clear instructions for the whole family to enjoy.

nationaltrust.org.uk – ‘50 Activities to do in your back garden’. Be a Queen and wear a ‘hand made’ wild crown or even a wild bracelet! Create ‘wild art’ displays with twigs and leaves.  See if you can complete all 50 activities in isolation.

wonderadventures.co.uk – Fun and free garden adventures including painting stones and ice cube fun!

www.rhs.org.uk/education-learningI loved the pressed flower picture frames, butterfly crop protector, scarecrows and simple animal leaf pictures. Really easy to find the materials and have a go!


Gardening week is all about getting outside, learning and having fun. You could always, however, extend the craft activities with some of the following as part of your homeschooling:

  • Garden scavenger hunts. Many of the above sites include these but you could make up your own lists of objects, smells and textures. Be nature detectives and go on the hunt for particular coloured leaves, different shapes and sizes.  Collect different numbers of leaves for counting/bar chart Maths activities. Measure the heights of different plants in the garden, taller and smaller challenges.  If using the senses, be careful with taste and anything unknown, but this is a great one for learning about vegetables and herbs.


  • Write instructions for the treasure hunt, giving directions on where to start and finish in the garden.  Children can also design their own ‘Treasure hunt Garden maps’ using pictures and symbols for someone to follow.  Record the directions onto a phone for someone to follow the clues.


  • ‘2020 Garden Time capsules’ from the Isolation period!  This would be fun and perhaps to dig up in years to come. You could include photos of families, empty toilet rolls, face masks, painted pebbles with NHS designs, zoom screenshots, newspaper stories and even a letter about what is happening in your house that day! In years to come, the Isolation Period could give Jurassic archaeological digs a run for their money!  As a family, make a list of all the items everyone wants to include.  Sow some family memories for you all to share.


  • ‘Behind the Secret Garden Fairy Gate…’   Who lives behind the secret garden gate?  Use the fairy gate craft idea as a stimulus to write stories and poems that you can share in isolation and look back on as happy family memories.  The stories could be included into a nature garden craft book.


  • Royal Garden tea party, dressed in your wild crowns and gowns!   The role play is endless.  Thorny crafty crowns or delicate daisy crowns, the choice is yours. Decorate your garden or house with all of the wonderful garden craft you have created this week and celebrate having this time together.


  • Scarecrow characters.  Make all sorts of characters from books you are reading or even people from your own family.  Let the story writing in the garden commence!


  • I am beautiful! Write a poem/song about what makes you or someone in your family beautiful inside. Think about the roots that cannot be seen and how our hearts and minds are not on show.  If we feed them well, we can blossom into beautiful human beings on the inside and out.  Healthy minds, bodies and hearts.  Perform your song/poem at the Royal Garden tea party.


  • Climate Change – Jolly Green Gardeners! I discovered the wonder of the tea bag this week. I found out that tea bags have nutrients that act as natural fertiliser for the soil.  Your flowers and plants will blossom, so do not throw them away.  The smell also apparently keeps vermin away and can be added to compost heaps.  Tea bags retain water and keep the roots healthy and help potted seeds to grow.  Children could design posters on reducing carbon footprint by growing our own fruit and veg such as strawberries or green beans. Design leaflets about why it is important to look after trees and plants.  They are the natural habitats of wildlife such as bees, caterpillars, birds and butterflies.


  • Super Scientists.  Draw and label different parts of flowers and trees using magnifying glasses.  Lead a lesson for your family and present your findings.


In our ‘Hello Monday’ assembly today we look at the simple daisy flower and how it teaches us resilience during isolation. We may sometimes get sad during the lockdown period but we learn to come back stronger, just like the daisy flower. We look at how you can bounce back, like a daisy does! Daisies are pretty flowers that make us smile. Daisies remind us that there is beauty all around us in our world, sometimes we just have to look a little more closely.  It really is a wonderful world.


Mrs Hart, Adviser to Child of Wales.

Firstly, a very Happy Easter to all our children and their families! Easter is different this year as we are all staying safe in isolation. Whilst we cannot be with many people that we love, we can still celebrate.

We are all looking forward to the time when lockdown is over, which it will be. Then we can all celebrate and appreciate everything we have missed. Remember, everything passes.

As a family, you may have already established a routine, however, some of us may still be finding that tough. Remember your family is unique; however you choose to establish normality during this time has to work for you and your loved ones.


Mrs Hart’s Magnificent Seven

This week I am going to signpost you to websites/programmes or challenges that you may enjoy or find helpful.


  • TikTok This is a social media video sharing app. Many are using this to create short dances, lip sync, comedy clips or videos. Once downloaded this is easy to use. I spotted a great #WalkItOut challenge posted by Maya Jama, the TV and radio presenter. In our ‘Hello Monday’ assembly this week we have a #SportingHeroJesus challenge that you could post on TikTok. Please share with us here.


  • BBC Bitesize will be publishing daily online lessons for ALL ages, including Secondary aged children from Monday 20th April.


  • artofbrilliance.co.uk Andy Cope is the national Happiness Doctor! He will lift your day bringing sunshine and hope. We invited Andy into school to work with children and staff. Truly inspirational and motivating. Being a ‘moodhoover’ is not an option!


  • Classroomsecrets.co.uk This is a Department for Education recommended website and has a home learning timetable for children in early years, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. There are also interactive games and activities, including Easter activities.


  • whiterosemaths.com Check out daily Maths lessons building children’s confidence and competence in the subject.  Again, as a teacher I highly recommend this resource and know that this subject can often be one that many find challenging.  The resources are age related and well worth a look at.


  • Freesciencelessons – YouTube This is a site where you can view Biology, Chemistry and Physics lessons. It even engages my seventeen-year-old son who is currently studying for his ‘A’ Levels.  The short video clips support and build confidence in the Sciences.


  • Markjermin.co.uk Visit this incredible Performing Arts school website and watch their latest heart-warming performance of ‘It Must Be Love’ thanking the NHS workers on the coronavirus frontline. The children from the Stage School also produced an energetic and lively performance of ‘We’re all in this together’. This will be a spot to watch as inspirational pieces bring the nation together.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T9olBR8vLCg


Thank you to all the children for sending in their wonderful work this week.  These are featured at the end of this week’s ‘Hello Monday’ assembly.

I hope you are all keeping your spirits high singing our assembly ‘Isolation Rap’ and dancing to ‘Everybody’s doing the isolation!’ – locomotion style!


Now we are in isolation,

We can crack this as a nation,

Stay indoors it won’t be long,

Join with me and sing this song!


Remember there is always hope and out of darkness comes light

A very Happy Easter to everyone!

Mrs Hart, Adviser to The Child of Wales.

‘We’re all in this together’ has been a tune in my head as the nation is in Lockdown, except this is not a scene from High School Musical, this is for real. Many of us have found ourselves trying to be the next Mary Poppins or Kindergarten Cop, forced into ‘home schooling’ our own children. As a former Head Teacher, I am here to help and support you and your children through what will be challenging times.

Firstly, this is not forever, everything passes. This is something we have little control over and so we need, above all, to keep not only our children safe in mind, body and soul, but also ourselves!

No one expects you to be an expert; sometimes we are our own worst enemies in thinking everything has to be perfect. Home schooling is not about mirroring what was happening at school. Frankly this would be impossible. Try not to worry. See this as a positive time. A time to relax and discover things about your child you did not know! And the one thing we do know is, we have time. We do not need to worry about rushing and cramming everything in.  How many times in life can we say that?

During this time, it can seem overwhelming as a parent or carer with the number of on-line learning packages flooding the internet. Your child’s school will also be sending work, activities and sign posting you to resources. You may wonder at times if you are doing enough or indeed too much.

I find children learn best when they are enjoying and having fun. Establishing a routine that will suit your family is best. Choose a mini project or topic that your child can research and spend lots of time on. This blog aims to support, guide and inspire.

As a Head Teacher I loved the ‘family time’ of whole school assemblies with all the children and staff. They were an important part to the routine of every child’s day. Assemblies were special. We all came together, sharing stories, ideas, or even our worries and how to overcome them.

Child of Wales would like to be here for all our children and families during this national period of lockdown. I will be hosting a weekly ‘Child of Wales Assembly’, alongside a blog with tips and ideas.

The theme of our first assembly will be

‘Jelly babies!’

I look forward to your child joining us.  Parents are welcome to join in too!

I started with a song and so it would be appropriate to leave you with one…. Have a listen to ’Don’t worry be happy…’ By Bobby McFerrin

Mrs Hart, Adviser to The Child of Wales.

Pepe Hart, Adviser to The Child of Wales Awards, is the former head teacher of the Academy of Trinity Primary School in Radstock. She won a Pride of Britain Award for Teacher of the Year for her achievements at the school. Every Monday, she will offer the parents and children inspiration and motivation to help with home schooling through these challenging times.